ICS Occasional Papers

Untangling Chinese Aid in Africa: Does the ‘Aid for Trade’ Hypothesis hold True?

China’s economic engagements with Africa have generated a great deal of hyperbole. China gives an enormous amount of aid to African countries in the form of grants, interest-free loans and concessional (or preferential) loans. Officially, the total Chinese aid to Africa has increased to US$10.13 billion (2012) from a paltry sum of US$ 2.77 billion (2000).
Meanwhile, the total bilateral trade between African countries and China has increased 20 times from US$11 billion (2000) to US$221 billion (2014). This increased trade is led by African countries and surprisingly, China ran a trade deficit with them. This study tracks Chinese aid flows to each country of Africa during the period 2000-2012 and probes its role in increasing bilateral trade between them. Findings reveal that a one per cent increase in aid allocation to Africa is associated with 0.6 per cent increase in bilateral trade, signifying that the ‘aid for trade’ hypothesis holds true.

Untangling Chinese Aid in Africa: Does the ‘Aid for Trade’ Hypothesis hold True?

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