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居心叵测的日本防卫白皮书 Japan Defence White Paper has Hidden Agenda

The 2024 edition of Japan's Defence White Paper bearing the image of a “hammer forging iron” on the cover was published yesterday. According to the Japanese media, the meaning the front cover image “forging a sword” conveys is to express Japan’s current determination to enhance its military strength. This year marks the 70th anniversary of Japan’s Self Defence Forces (SDF), this White Paper is the 50th Defence White Paper published so far.

朱大碌:与AI关于新能源汽车的对话 Zhu Dalu: A Dialogue with AI on New Energy Vehicles

This article is a transcript of the discussion between an artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot and Zhu Dalu on new energy vehicles, followed by his brief comments on AI’s responses. Zhu Dalu is a Chinese writer and economist who has authored over 180 articles on economics and politics in various Chinese publications. The “AI” in this article refers to Ernie Bot 文心一言, a generative AI chatbot service product of Baidu, release in 2023.

印外长再批尼赫鲁:他那时讲“印度第二,中国第一”-观察者网 Indian Foreign Minister Jaishankar Criticises Nehru’s China Policy Again: “Nehru Said, ‘India second, China first’”

This report (dated 3 April 2024) attracted over 160,000 viewers clicks within hours of its publication – an unusually high number for a news report about India-China relations in the columns of Observer Network (guancha.cn) – a popular digital news/current affairs platform in Chinese.

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