ICS Occasional Papers

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LATEST ICS Occasional Papers

US-China Rivalry: A Strategic Moment for India?

US-China tensions can broadly be classified into four major areas: Trade, Technology, Territorial issues (such as Hong Kong, Xinjiang, Tibet, Taiwan, the South China Sea, and Regional Connectivity) and Tenets, which allude to values, ideology and the advocacy of particular systems of political and economic governance (T4).

COVID-19, China and Anatomy of Fang Fang Phenomenon

In modern China, even under Mao’s communist era, literature has been regarded as an instrument of political dissent. Two major approaches are required to seriously reflect on how to understand the anatomy of the Fang Fang Phenomenon: one is to view it in the historical context of New

How History Shapes the March Towards Rule of Law - Lessons from India and China

It is no secret that a nation state’s domestic legal system, its functioning and continued reformation is essential to maintain the ‘rule of law’. While the notion of this ‘rule of law’ differs from state to state based on the extent of enshrined constitutional guarantees, independence of the judiciary and various

This Changes Everything? A Possible Future of China-U.S Relations after Trump

Looking past common prognostications, this article focuses on the conditions for an alternative possible future of China-U.S. relations, beyond the trade war or a new cold war. Its aim is to map out a possible future that would open up if the U.S. political system takes a leftward turn in 2020 or beyond.

Combating India’s Water Crisis: Lessons from the Chinese Example

As India attempts to embark on an ambitious economic growth trajectory, the newly created water ministry will be unable to combat the country’s increasing water stress if water security is dealt with in isolation. Water is not only about a resource for consumption or agricultural and industrial use but ...

Materialism in Chinese Society: The Historical, Cultural and Contemporary Context

Materialism is an area of research which has over the last decades become relevant and needs careful analysis. Materialism has many definitions and implies deconstructing the mindset and the psychology of humans and the factors which lead people to be happy with their lives. In the Chinese context, materialism has

China through European Eyes

In this short paper, I will trace the evolution of views and debate on China specifically in Europe. European attitudes towards China are part of more broadly Western perceptions of China.

Changing Patterns in India-China Trade Relations

Recent global trade developments, including a sluggish global economy, slowing trade, heightened trade disputes, and now an expected disruption on account of coronavirus in China has led to the recasting of an outward-looking economy’s strategies for external engagement.

The Belt and Road Initiative Post-April 2019: Plus ça Change !

The extensive and wide-ranging presence of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has become a phenomenon which is here to stay. The proposal announced by President Xi Jinping in 2013 at Nazarbayev University envisioned China's reaching across the world

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