ICS-HYI Fellowship for China Studies 2017

Programmes & Projects > ICS-HYI Fellowship for China Studies 2017

ICS-HYI Fellowship for China Studies 2017


Tiasangla is a student of public health and is pursuing her PhD from the Centre of Social Medicine and Community Health, Jawaharlal Nehru University. Her MPhil was from the same Centre and her dissertation was “Health Care Reforms in China and India: A Review”. Her PhD thesis is titled ‘American Foundations in Public Health: Ascension of Soft Power and free Markets in China and India’


Shagufta Yasmin is pursuing her PhD from the Centre of East Asian Studies, School of International Studies at JNU. She has completed her Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Chinese language and literature from School of Languages, JNU. Her thesis is on ‘Chinese Environmental Diplomacy: A Study of its Environmental Cooperation with the United States of America and India, 1997-2015’. She has taught Chinese language in Central University of Jharkhand.

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