People > Virendra Sahai Verma


Virendra Sahai Verma is a Emeritus Fellow, Institute of Chinese Studies Delhi. He is an Indian Army veteran with commissioned impeccable combatant service of 35 years which include 1965 war (Kashmir sector) and 1971 war (Eastern Sector) as an artillery officer. Stints include extensive service in senior intelligence appointments at Ladakh, border regions in Kashmir, Lahoul & Spiti, Sikkim and Tawang in Arunachal Pradesh and border of Rajasthan & Gujarat. He has masters in Defence Studies from Madras and Commerce from Rajasthan Universities, an MBA and a graduate from Defence Services Staff College Willington. Colonel Verma has published so far 37 articles in main line national newspapers and prestigious national and international journals and given interviews. He has presented so far 55 papers in national and international seminars. The subjects of articles and presentations are relating to  India-China relations, Tibet-cultural and political, India-Pakistan relations, nuclear issue, intelligence ethics, border area studies, Sino-Pak relations, Gilgit and Baltistan, Buddhism in Himalayan belt, Soldiers role in peace making, Indian Ocean, Maritime Security,  etc. Most of his writings are peace oriented with focus for resolution of disputes. He is member of International Study Association USA, Member Institute of Defence Studies and Analysis, New Delhi, Founder General Secretary Tibet Study Group, Delhi, Member International Intelligence Ethics Association, Washington DC, Member Advisory Board Research Institute for European and American Studies, Athens Greece, He has travelled to 26 countries including extensively to China (including Tibet), USA, & Pakistan. 

Colonel Verma is a peace activist. As co-founder and General Secretary and now Vice President of ‘India-Pakistan Soldier’s Initiative for Peace’ (IPSI) India Chapter has been to Pakistan several times as member of peace delegations. IPSI with a chapter each in Delhi and Lahore has played positive role and continues to do so at Track 2 level in peace making with Pakistan. In Dec 2008 & Aug 2009 he was invited by Ethnic Minority Groups Development Research Institute of State Council Peoples’ Republic of China to discuss Tibet issue for its resolution.  Colonel Verma was invited on 28 January 2007 at Washington DC by Stanford University, USA for recording his oral history of self ‘on Evolution from Soldier to a Peace Activist’ for the University’s archives of Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace. He was awarded ‘Ambassador for Peace’ by Universal Peace Federation-Inter-religious and International Federation for World Peace at Seoul, South Korea in September 2006. He is a recipient of ‘Navratna Award’ for social work by Navratna Foundations on 25 May 2013 at Noida.

As a social worker, Colonel Verma is the elected President of ever growing plus 1000 members ‘Kulshrestha Kalyan Samiti’, a major non-profit organization providing financial help, scholarships, emergency medical help, awards & other assistance to   poor and unprivileged in society with a budget of over 20 Lakhs per annum.


Areas of interest

Resolution of India-China border dispute, Maritime security in Indian Ocean, resolution of Tibet issue, area studies in Himalaya region.


Current Positions

    • Emeritus Fellow, Institute of Chinese Studies, Delhi
    • Vice-President, India-Pakistan Soldiers Initiative (IPSI), India Chapter
    • Member, Institute of Defence Studies & Analyses (IDSA), Delhi
    • Founder Member, Tibet Study Group

Past Positions

    • Indian Army


    • MA, Defence Studies, Madras University
    • MBA,  Defence Services Staff College, Wellington

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